How Do I Resolve My Debt?

There is a solution. You can eliminate your credit card debt. You don’t have to live with the stress from creditor calls. Wipe out your debt.
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You can put a stop to the lawsuit. Do NOT toss those lawsuit papers on your growing pile of overdue bills – you must do something!
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Put an end to wage garnishing. Learn about stopping creditors from garnishing your check.
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You can stop the foreclosure and protect your home. You have options to protect the equity in your home and your family.
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You can put a stop to the bank levy. Learn the options you have to stop the bank levy and get your money back.
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Process Work?
Find out how the bankruptcy process works. What are the steps you need to take to file for bankruptcy?
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Orange County Probate and Estate Planning Attorney: Protecting Your Loved Ones
Attorney Norma Duenas can assist you in opening a probate case to administer and distribute the assets of your loved one. Probate is needed when a person has passed away and they did not prepare a living trust or left a will.

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New Huge Increase in California Homestead Exemption
The California homestead exemption amount of protection is substantially increasing as of January 1, 2021. This increase in protection makes it much more likely that homeowners in financial difficulty can keep their homes.
Learn How These Changes Will Effect YouFree Initial Consultation. Call to Speak to an Orange County Bankruptcy & Riverside Bankruptcy Attorney Now.
Having to deal with harassing creditor calls and lawsuits is extremely stressful. Living under the constant threat of legal action, foreclosure, or a wage garnishment destroys your quality of life. Our Riverside and Orange County bankruptcy attorneys will help you take the necessary steps to stop creditor harassment and eliminate your debts. You will meet with a bankruptcy attorney who will guide you through the bankruptcy process.
Call us now for a free case evaluation.
Get started becoming debt free.
If you are struggling to decide whether bankruptcy is a good option for your situation, it is important to get the right information. There are many bankruptcy myths, that stop people from filing bankruptcy. It is important to understand how Chapter 7 bankruptcy can eliminate credit card debt, medical bills and stop lawsuits. It is an important debt elimination tool that can help you rebuild your financial future. Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy can stop any pending lawsuits, wage garnishments and future creditor contact. For information on filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Orange County go to: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Orange County. For information on filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Riverside go to: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Riverside.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help homeowners who are facing a pending foreclosure. It provides homeowners with the opportunity to repay their mortgage arrears over a 3 to 5 year term. It also offers homeowners the opportunity to remove a second mortgage from their home. Through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, any pending foreclosure is immediately stopped and a payment plan is proposed to creditors, including your home mortgage. Our experienced Riverside and Orange County bankruptcy lawyers will explain how Chapter 13 bankruptcy works and how the monthly payment is calculated.
For more information on filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Orange County go to: Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Orange County. For information on Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Riverside you can go to: Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Riverside.
Helping Good People Make Smart Moves
We have helped hundreds and families and individuals rebuild their financial future through eliminating debts from repossessions, foreclosure, medical bills and credit cards. Our experienced Orange County bankruptcy attorneys will review your facts and provide you with the different options available to resolve your financial situation.

Orange County Bankruptcy Attorney
SCLA is a consumer bankruptcy law firm representing clients in throughout Southern California including Orange County, Riverside and the Temecula and Murrieta in communities. Our experienced lawyers will represent you in filing your Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. Put your trust and confidence in a law firm that is focused on addressing your concerns and resolving your situation.
Bankruptcy Information
Our law firm helps clients file for bankruptcy by helping them understand their options and providing them the information they need to make an informed decision.

The founder of Southern California Law Advocates (SCLA), Orange County bankruptcy attorney Norma Duenas, is an experienced bankruptcy attorney who graduated from the University of San Diego Law School, Cum Laude. Ms. Duenas has handled hundreds and hundreds of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases – simple and complex.
Attorney Norma Duenas will make time to sit down with you personally if you call and schedule a free and confidential consultation. Norma Duenas is Super Lawyers rated , which recognizes top lawyers in Southern California. She is also Lead Counsel verified with Lawinfo.
Bankruptcy Attorney Norma Duenas Is On Your Side!
Office Locations
- Santa Ana– 1801 Park Ct Pl Ste. F202, Santa Ana, CA 92701
- Temecula -41690 Enterprise Cir N #202, Temecula, CA 92590
- Riverside – 11801 Pierce St #200, Riverside, CA 92505
If you need further assistance or to schedule a free phone or in-person consultation, please call us or email us if calling us is not practical or it’s after hours.
We Handle Probate and Estate Planning Matters Too!
Protecting Clients, Family, Heirs and Estates.

Probate – If your loved one has passed away leaving a will or no will then you may need to open probate to distribute his/her assets.
Make clear who you want to leave your assets to and what your wishes are. Avoid disputes and conflicts among family members and loved ones.
Para mas informacion sobre testamentos y fideicomisoms vaya a la pagina Abogado de Testamento y Fideicomiso en el Condado de Orange y Riverside y Como Hacer un Testamento en California.
Homeowners Association Fees and Costs Not Listed in Recorded Notice are Dischargeable Debts
If you are dealing with past due homeowner’s association fees and costs, bankruptcy may be able…
California Authorizes Retain And Pay For Automobiles In Bankruptcy
NEW PROTECTION FOR DEBTORS WITH VEHICLE LOANS Recent California law changes have given all Debtors who…
Continue Reading California Authorizes Retain And Pay For Automobiles In Bankruptcy